Are you interested in participating in the next Paid Leave Organizer training program?

Paid Leave Advocates 9 month programs aims to deepen the group’s understanding of the importance of organizing, advocacy, as well as paid leave in NJ. The group is part of connected and empowered community to organize and advocate to create positive change in our state and nation’s policies and laws that ensure that everyone can care for their and their loved ones when they need it the most.

The Paid Leave Advocates participate in monthly 1.5 hour trainings & 1 hour discussions (NJ Voices for Paid Leave gatherings) and much much more!

2024 Paid Leave Organizer Cohort

  • Mary Murray

    Mary Stober Murray (she/her) is a family caregiver and patient engagement professional in Mercer County. She holds an MS in Population Health from Thomas Jefferson University and is dedicated to health and wealth equity, especially for the 50+ population. Mary advocates for paid leave and job security in NJ, which are essential for balancing healthcare and daily activities without sacrificing income or well-being. Connect with her on LinkedIn:

  • Kristine Leslie

    Kristine Leslie is a Change Agent and Impactpreneur who works to make the world a better place through the [healing, performing, and fine] arts. She helps artists and cultural organizations thrive, promotes diversity and inclusion in the arts, and uses her expertise to ensure everyone accesses the healing and transformative power of creative expression. Whether managing arts programs, consulting, or teaching, Kristine's goal is to foster vibrant, culturally enriched communities while championing equity and well-being.

  • Vivianne Woods

    Vivianne Woods (She/Her) is a Grassroots Community Organizer, Poet, and Lover of Life. Her work as a poet and organizer celebrates and prioritizes love, community, Black joy, and reframing the struggle of Black Americans within the context of Liberation Theology. Vivianne is committed to seeing a free Palestine and Puerto Rico, the complete liberation of Black Americans, and an end to American imperialism and white supremacy in her lifetime.

  • Terri Huggins Hart

    Terri Huggins Hart is a freelance writer, communications consultant, and speaker. She’s excelled as a storyteller, truth-finder, and empathetic interviewer for publications such as Real Simple, Parents, Good Housekeeping, and more. As a fervent advocate for marginalized groups, especially disabled, Black, and children-based communities, she is vocal about creating inclusive spaces. Through it all, she continues to follow her hack for living life with no regrets: do what you love, give love, and lead with love and hopes you’ll do the same.

  • LaTrenda Ross

    La-Trenda Ross is an Entrepreneur, Personal Life Coach, Local Community Activist, Public Speaker, and Author with 30 years of experience as a social services professional. She is dedicated to helping vulnerable people and communities overcome challenges, improve their quality of life, and reach their full potential. La-Trenda is a passionate advocate for paid leave, believing it crucial for workers to have the time and financial support to care for themselves and their families. She is known for her kindness, compassion, and creative approach to sharing information to help others. La-Trenda has two daughters and four grandchildren and enjoys shopping, dancing, volunteering, and helping others in her community.

  • Angela McDermott

    Angela McDermott is not new to advocacy work in New Jersey. When she was 19 years old, she began advocating for rape survivors in Hudson County while studying at New Jersey City University to become a Special Education teacher. After two years of further education, Angela was hired as a residential counselor in a psychiatric community residence in Passaic County. Throughout the years, Angela has been a strong advocate for individuals with mental health needs, promoting inclusion and combating stigma. She has also fought for students' rights to participate actively in classrooms. Her central goal is to combat injustices against people of all different faiths, backgrounds, cultures, races, and genders.

  • Lauren Fonseca

    Lauren Fonseca is professional staff at Stockton University. She works with high-risk students establish good academic habits and navigate the higher education system. She has applied on several occasions for paid leave, including for her MS diagnosis and subsequent rehabilitation. Lauren understands how complex it is and want to help others understand it, to advocate for change, and to help others advocate for themselves.

  • Diana Remache

    Diana Remache (She/Her/Ella) is a Public Health professional with a passion in addressing inequities among disadvantaged communities. Majority of her work has revolved around educating, empowering, and supporting the Latine/Latinx community to break down barriers such as language in effort to close the health gap. Part of that effort is addressing the barriers communities face due to paid leave.

  • Tasha Bayne

    Tasha is a New York native passionate about people, policy, and progress. She is a Rutgers University- Newark graduate, one of the founding members of Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society, and a former Americorps service member and VISTA. Her current focuses include creating an intentional living community and advocating for single individuals as they have little representation in social service policies.

  • Victor Gavilanes

    Victor Is a Community Organizer & Spiritual Guide with an Associate’s degree in Environmental Studies from Hudson County Community College. Victor has several years of frontline experience in Housing Environmental Justice work.

2024 Paid Leave Mentors

  • Catherine Galioto-Galesky

    Catherine is a longtime Ocean County native, as well as a veteran spouse and a caregiver, who serves as an advocate for veteran households through her work as an outreach specialist for homeless veteran nonprofit Community Hope. Catherine leads a peer support group for veteran spouses through Recalibrate, serves in the American Legion Auxiliary, and is a lifelong learner and helper. Before the creation of NJ Paid Family Leave benefits, Catherine was in a position where she would have qualified for the support of the program, but it did not yet exist, leading to a period of struggle for her household while she was ill. Catherine especially appreciates learning about resources, and sharing them with folks who may need that support, and is excited to be a part of a 2nd year of the Paid Leave Organizer program, this time as a mentor. Reach out to Catherine at

  • Carl Boyd

    Carl Boyd is a dedicated family man and the oldest brother in his family, deeply committed to supporting his five nieces and three nephews. Professionally, he has built a strong career in community advocacy, holding various roles at Center for Family Services, including Male Involvement Coordinator, Family Service Advocate Support Specialist, Safe Corridors Coordinator, and currently, Community Liaison. In these positions, Carl has worked to enhance fatherhood engagement, support family service advocates, and represent the community at large. His involvement extends to numerous boards, advisory groups, councils, and committees, where he collaborates with partners at community, county, and state levels. Carl's greatest achievement is the strong family bonds he maintains, which have been nurtured through the support of his parents and siblings. These relationships have allowed him to mentor his nieces and nephews with genuine love, reinforcing his belief in the importance of family as a foundation for his community work.

  • Danica LaFortune

    Danica Lafortune is a community doula and community health worker has always shared information about Paid Family Leave in NJ. In 2020, Danica gave birth to her daughter and benefited from Paid Family Leave. As a working mother, Danica understands the importance of caring for her family and wants to advocate for this continued benefit so others are able to access paid family leave. Danica can be reached via social media @labor_of_love_doula_d

2023 Paid Leave Advocate Cohort

  • Alreema Vining

    Alreema Vining started off her doula career as a postpartum doula in 2011 to later becoming a certified full spectrum doula. She is a Certified Doula under midwife Shafia Monroe as well as a Certified Medicaid Doula provider for the state of New Jersey and Virginia. As a dedicated mother to three beautiful children, Doula Alreema knows first hand how much families can benefit from having additional support during all trimesters including labor and delivery. Assisting over 100+ families and being an active community member, Alreema prides herself on creating a peaceful and loving environment for parents whether new or seasoned. She is the founder and owner of Nurturing BayBees and Nurturing Families Two Family Centered Agency targeted to families utilizing insurance including Medicaid. She has an undeniable specialty in postpartum, meal planning, cesareans and bereavement support. Alreema is passionate and everything nurturing!

  • Carl Boyd

    Carl Boyd is a dedicated family man and the oldest brother in his family, deeply committed to supporting his five nieces and three nephews. Professionally, he has built a strong career in community advocacy, holding various roles at Center for Family Services, including Male Involvement Coordinator, Family Service Advocate Support Specialist, Safe Corridors Coordinator, and currently, Community Liaison. In these positions, Carl has worked to enhance fatherhood engagement, support family service advocates, and represent the community at large. His involvement extends to numerous boards, advisory groups, councils, and committees, where he collaborates with partners at community, county, and state levels. Carl's greatest achievement is the strong family bonds he maintains, which have been nurtured through the support of his parents and siblings. These relationships have allowed him to mentor his nieces and nephews with genuine love, reinforcing his belief in the importance of family as a foundation for his community work.

  • Catherine Galioto-Galesky

    Catherine is a longtime Ocean County native, as well as a veteran spouse and a caregiver, who serves as an advocate for veteran households through her work as an outreach specialist for homeless veteran nonprofit Community Hope. Catherine leads a peer support group for veteran spouses through Recalibrate, serves in the American Legion Auxiliary, and is a lifelong learner and helper. Before the creation of NJ Paid Family Leave benefits, Catherine was in a position where she would have qualified for the support of the program, but it did not yet exist, leading to a period of struggle for her household while she was ill. Catherine especially appreciates learning about resources, and sharing them with folks who may need that support, and is excited to be a part of the Advocates program. Reach out to Catherine at

  • Nicole Lawson

    Nicole Lawson is the owner of N. Lawson & Associates, LLC which offers uplifting entertainment, virtual retail services and opportunities for mothers to create their own home based business. Mrs. Lawson is a proud mother of 4, step mother of 2 and life partner of 1! She lives by something that she loves to call “Crazy Faith” and expresses to all that if your mind can conceive it and you are willing to trade your Ego for Equity then you CAN achieve it! Connect with Nicole Lawson aka #Nicolyboo at

  • LaVonia Abavana

    LaVonia Abavana is the proud mother of three amazing children. Her amazing journey into advocacy and parent leadership began when her youngest child was bullied in school because of his Tourette syndrome. That traumatizing experience opened her eyes to all the supports available to families and made her become dedicated to helping other families in challenging situations. She advocates on multiple systems that support families across the State of New Jersey.

  • Jessica Rodriguez

    Jessica is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Paid Leave Advocate in New Jersey. She believes that all workers deserve access to paid leave to take care of themselves and their families without sacrificing their financial security. Jessica is committed to educating and advocating for policies that support paid leave for all workers. Having benefited personally from taking paid leave after giving birth to her two children and after being involved in a car accident, she understands firsthand the importance of paid leave in helping individuals manage their health and family responsibilities while maintaining their employment.

  • Angie Tamayo León (she/they)

    Angie Tamayo León (she/they) is a community organizer and educator. She has a bachelor's in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from The College of New Jersey and a commitment to social justice issues that impact her immigrant community. As a first generation student, she's experienced barriers to accessible language and education regarding paid leave policies and works to bridge that gap for her Spanish-speaking peers. You can connect with Angie via Instagram (@angietamayo_) or through email:

  • LaTanya Marchell

    LaTanya Marchell resides in Union County. She is a child support worker for the County of Union. She has a 20 year old daughter. The reason why she became an advocate for paid leave is because 2 years ago her mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. LaTanya knew that she would do anything in her power to be her mother's caregiver, and that would include her taking time off from work and would be confronted with emotional and financial hardships just so that she ensure that her mother was obtaining the best healthcare possible. She is extremely passionate about raising awareness so that others will not have to have the challenges she faced while caring for a loved one.

  • Habibah Johnson

    Habibah Johnson is an administrator at Rutgers University, a Parent Leadership Council member with Advocates for Children of New Jersey, a higher education administrator for over 15 years, a wife, and a mother to four wonderful children. She has been advocating for children and families for the last five years in her role as a volunteer parent advocate in New Jersey. She hopes to integrate her studies and passion for advocacy to continue to advocate for policy changes. 

  • Taiwo D Moore

    Taiwo is an outdoor person and her strength comes from the people around her. She is a lover of children. In her life, Taiwo seeks for resources that can help people around her. 

  • Ediza Lahoz Valentino

    Ediza Lahoz Valentino is a Licensed Social Worker and HealthySteps Specialist who is passionate about improving infant, child and maternal health outcomes.

  • Diana Chica

    Diana is a community based doula, with a passion for reproductive justice, maternal health, and paid leave for all. Daughter of El Salvadoran immigrants, wife, advocate, and mommy to 2 kitties.

  • Lashette Pennington

    Lashette Pennington is the owner of an aromatherapy brand, single mother of four, and a has a full-time career in higher education. While navigating the struggles of work/life balance that came with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, LaShette found herself inquiring about her options for paid leave to care for a sick family member and her own mental health. She is passionate about educating others, specifically individuals in the black and brown community, on the resources available to ensure their health and wellness is of the highest regard. 

2023 Paid Leave Mentors

  • Cecile Edwards

    Cecile Edwards, M.Ed has a passion for maternal/family wellness and believes it is a cornerstone to a well society. Cecile is a Postpartum Doula Maternal Equity Consultant and Maternal Wellness Advocate assisting organizations and companies in creating space, systems and benefits that improve maternal wellness. Cecile's looks forward to improving her knowledge of state law and advocating for paid family leave to assist families in improving their overall wellness. Cecile has a 13 year old and lives in Somerset, NJ. Cecile also blogs and is passionate about environmental concerns. You can reach Cecile at or via social media @mommyevolve

  • Rebeca Four

    Rebeca Four is a political refugee, a single mother and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She has been helping parents meet their infant feeding goals since 2004 by providing education and support to families in Northern New Jersey, as a private practice provider, as a former Breastfeeding Coordinator for WIC of Hudson County, and as a former Trustee on the NJ Breastfeeding Coalition. As an entrepreneur, she has a personal vested interest in expanding the protections of paid family leave to cover New Jerseyans who are self employed, independent contractors, and gig workers. In her work supporting families, she sees first hand the impact that appropriate paid family leave can have on health outcomes of the parents she support and also on their ability to lactate and thereby the health outcomes of their babies. You can reach Rebeca via social media at @thelactationplace

  • Alicia Jenks

    Alicia Jenks is based in Ocean County and she has a Bachelor’s of Science from University of Rhode Island and Master’s Degree in Child Advocacy and Policy from Montclair State University. During the pandemic her family learned the importance of paid leave, as her husband had to take time to care for their young children at a time when there was not any other caregiving options. Her husband having access to paid leave ensured that Alicia could focus her efforts on her full time position as a Quality Manager at a CCR&R with the peace of mind that her children were safe and nurtured. Alicia’s goal is to advocate on behalf of New Jersey families to ensure that there is equity and accessibility to quality care for young children and to ensure that all families understand their rights to the paid leave. Alicia welcomes the opportunity to hear how paid family leave has affected your family or someone that you love. Through storytelling and building community relationships Alicia believes changes can be made.

  • Danica LaFortune

    Danica Lafortune is a community doula and community health worker has always shared information about Paid Family Leave in NJ. In 2020, Danica gave birth to her daughter and benefited from Paid Family Leave. As a working mother, Danica understands the importance of caring for her family and wants to advocate for this continued benefit so others are able to access paid family leave. Danica can be reached via social media @labor_of_love_doula_d

  • Ashley Rodgers

    Ashley Rodgers is a full-time Certified Peer Recovery Specialist and Peer Advocacy Leader, in the state of NJ. Ashley has worked in the field of addiction and mental health for over seven years, providing supportive services and advocating for various populations. Professionally, Ashley also has training as a Wellness coach and Perinatal doula. Ashley’s goal is to continue building communities by providing education and support that promotes individual wellness and health. You can reach Ashley via social media Facebook- Ashley Rodgers, Instagram @sewbriety360

Our Mission

  • Organize and advocate to create positive change in our state and nation’s policies and laws that ensure that everyone can care for their and their loved ones when they need it the most

  • Strategize how to organize, build power, and build a base of supporters

  • Build our movement for paid leave for all and recruit others to the conversation so that they can share their stories to influence policy.